RossKote’s Best Powder Coating Blog
RossKote’s is the best blog in powder coating. People from all around the world have enjoyed his informative posts on powder coating from a consumer’s point of view. If you’re looking for the top tips before when getting powder coating done you’re in the right place for insights from a pro.
Did you know Maui Powder Works is considered a GREEN business?
Once you learn about powder coating you’ll soon realize how many everyday things are powder coated which leads you to look around a room and ask yourself, “Can I powder coat this?”
There are different types and kinds of powder coat colors
Learn the powder coating powder color basics. There are different types and kinds of powder coat colors. But which one is best for your needs? Heres a brief list. Scroll down to watch the video playlist. Matte, Satin & Super Mirror Anodized & Metallic...
Can you powder coat over anodized aluminum?
Yes, you can powder coat over anodized aluminum. In most cases for new anodized aluminum, a light sanding of the surface and acetone wipe will suffice. However, older anodized aluminum will most likely need abrasive blasting. You can then powder coat to color, put...
How long does it take for the powder coat to dry?
Powder coated items do not dry like traditional paint. Once an item is prepped (abrasive blasted then treated with a metal prep solution) it is then placed into one of our ovens. When the item reaches its target temperature, the powder flows out and generally cured in...