Our 2019 customer-based trends in rims survey results are in
What color rims will look good on your car? As a customer, it seems like a simple enough question to ask yourself as you pull up to your local powder coating shop. In this post, we dig deeper into what rim trends are happening right now across America, even as far west as Australia in wheel customizing.
We surveyed some of the top powder coaters to see what powder colors their customers were asking for. Almost all serviced clients both motorcycle and vehicle restoration. The bulk of respondents were early-stage coaters (under 5 years of experience)from the east coast, midlands, southwest, and the northwest/pacific.
Here’s what they had to say:
The Stats
50% said their customers definitely want to stand out and turn heads
36% said customers just want their rims to look good on the road again
14% said their customers would spend whatever it took to look the best, with no expense spared

Defining your style
Are you wanting to continue with the continuity and style you already have? Or, are you looking for a quirky style all to yourself i.e. your own personal style, look or brand? Are you passionate about car culture or competing in shows?
Knowing what kind of customer you are will help your custom coater determine the type of service you’re looking for when it comes to powder coating your rims. From there they can direct you to the colors and powders that will fit perfectly with your style and budget. Get all the facts in this Free Guide to getting your rims powder coated.
Most requested custom wheel services
According to survey respondents, the types of services customers are requesting is expanding. Even though most said that the majority of customers are only wanting opaque, solid single stage colors in basic like blacks and whites.
A surprising number, over 40%, said their customers were requesting two-stage transparent colors like illusions or flake overlays as well as two-tone effect applications.

Local knowledge proves best
Locally there were highly diverse responses. Some said going back to basics or factory looks. Others were seeing even more extreme customizing in their areas. If your thinking about getting your rims powder coated, consider a valuable opinion from your powder coater.
To avoid problems with your coater make sure they offer powder coating rims as part of their regular lineup of services offered to customers. Not all will tell you that. Some specialize in car only customizing, rim repair and refinishing.
Special thanks to these powder coaters that helped to write this article:
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RossKote is committed to sharing their experience in metal coatings, painting, and restoration so customers & powder coaters can navigate the process of powder coating and make the best choices for getting their projects done.
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